If a violation of the terms and conditions occurs Freedom Unlimited AZ reserves the right to take any and all necessary steps to rectify the situation and any expenses that are incurred by Freedom Unlimited AZ to include but not limited to legal fees, trademark violations, copyright infringement or any unauthorized use of any Freedom Unlimited AZ property whether protected under copyright, trademark or not.
- We reserve the right to refuse services to anyone for any reason.
- Prices and products are subject to change at anytime with out any advanced notice.
- All products are the exclusive property of Freedom Unlimited AZ and we reserve all rights unless specified in writing on sales contract or orders.
- If a violation of the terms and conditions, privacy policy or violation of intellectual property occurs Freedom Unlimited AZ reserves the right to take any and all necessary steps to rectify the situation and any expenses that are incurred by Freedom Unlimited AZ to include but not limited to legal fees, trademark violations, copyright infringement or any unauthorized use of any Freedom Unlimited AZ property wither under copyright or trademark or not.
- Freedom Unlimited AZ will not tolerate unlawful behavior, hate speech, bullying, promotions, spam, etc.
- Freedom Unlimited AZ reserves the right to cancel, freeze or disable user accounts, without advance notice for any violation of it's policies.